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Will my BBL Get Bigger: What Kind of Transformation Can I Expect

When will my bbl get bigger

You’ve exercised every day for months and stuck to a strict diet but still can’t seem to achieve that attractive hourglass figure you desire. 

If you’re looking for an alternative aesthetic solution, a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) may be for you.

Will my BBL get bigger? Should I “feed the fat”


The Appeal of a Brazilian Butt Lift

Many women and men seek to achieve a more attractive silhouette through diet and exercise, but they just can’t seem to get where they want to be on their own. This is a common situation we see when patients come in inquiring about a BBL.

The goal of the BBL surgery procedure is to create an hourglass figure or to accentuate the hips and buttocks in whatever other way the patient desires. For example, some patients are looking for more of an athletic “bubble butt” appearance, which can be difficult to achieve naturally — even with regular strenuous exercise.

Fortunately, the BBL procedure can give these patients exactly what they’re looking for and with exceedingly natural results. The procedure itself uses the patient’s own body fat cells to accentuate the hips and buttocks. The results are long-lasting — and usually permanent.

Furthermore, the patient can detail almost exactly how they want their buttocks to look after surgery. Whether it’s wider hips or a butt that protrudes further out from their backside, Dr. Schulman can help his patients achieve exactly the silhouette they’re looking for.

So, what can you expect from BBL surgery? How should you prepare for the before and after of a Brazilian butt lift?

Read on to learn more.

Before and After BBL: What to Expect

Will my BBL get bigger


BBL surgery aims to augment the size and shape of the buttocks and hips. Think of Kim Kardashian’s hourglass figure, for example. Her hips are wide, and her buttocks projects away from her body more than the average woman’s figure. 

Of course, men can also have this surgery, and male BBL procedures are becoming increasingly popular as well.

The BBL surgery is performed using the patient’s own body fat cells, which is extracted with . Fat cells can be taken from many places on the body. Naturally, it should be extracted first from areas of the body that the patient wants to reduce anyway. For example, a large number of patients want to slim their waistline. So, in this case, fat cells would be extracted (or “harvested”) from the abdomen.

Every BBL patient should decide how they want their buttocks to look and convey this to Dr. Schulman at their consultation appointment. You can use before and after BBL pictures to guide you if it helps. 

The customization possibilities of the BBL are what make it so special. You don’t have to let nature dictate your body’s shape. Rather, you can manipulate the fat on your body to achieve the aesthetic goals you’re looking for.

Ultimately, a Brazilian butt lift procedure will reduce the excess fat cells that you don’t want — on areas of your body like the abdomen, upper and lower back, sides, and upper arms — while at the same time increasing the amount of plumpness and volume on your hips and buttocks. This will give you an attractive figure that you can be proud of.

Furthermore, your results will almost always be permanent because you’ll be using your newly transferred fat cells.

Here is how to prepare for the before and after of your BBL, including prerequisites for surgery and tips on BBL recovery

Before BBL Surgery

As always, when it comes to how to get ready for cosmetic surgery, Dr. Schulman will be your best resource. At your consultation appointment, you’ll discuss how you want your procedure to go, what you want your results to look like, and how to best prepare for surgery.

Among the list of guidelines required before BBL surgery, you’ll need to do the following:

Book a BBL consultation

Your BBL consultation is absolutely essential when preparing for a Brazilian butt lift. This is an appointment where you will be able to sit down one-on-one with Dr. Schulman to discuss how you want your surgery to go and what you expect from your results.

Dr. Schulman will also give you a short health status checkup so that he can ensure you are a good candidate for BBL surgery. He may evaluate any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors you have for surgery. And in some cases, he may order additional medical tests that will be required for you prior to scheduling your procedure.

Of course, you’ll also be able to speak with Dr. Schulman about what you expect for the outcome of your surgery. Dr. Schulman will help identify the ideal locations where fat cells can be extracted through liposuction. He will also help pinpoint where fat can be reinjected to accentuate your hips and buttocks.

Get a checkup with your regular doctor

This may or may not be a requirement for you prior to plastic surgery. Some patients will require a general checkup with their doctor to ensure that their heart, lungs, other organs, and overall physical health are in good shape for major surgery like a Brazilian butt lift. 

Other medical tests such as blood labs and scans may be required, depending on the specifics of your surgery and your general health.

Stop smoking.

If you are a smoker, you’ll need to stop smoking prior to surgery. Ultimately, it’s best to stop smoking altogether for your overall health. However, if you can stop smoking for a few weeks before surgery, this will suffice for many patients. 

Specifically, nicotine can negatively affect the smallest blood vessels of the body. Therefore, regular smokers may risk not having a full and healthy recovery. In many cases, wound-healing complications are the biggest risk.

After BBL Surgery

After BBL surgery, it is critical to follow the post-operative care instructions provided to you by Dr. Schulman.

Overall, you should expect to abide by the following guidelines in order to achieve optimal BBL results:

Wear your compression garments.

Dr. Schulman will provide you with compression garments to wear following surgery. This will help the skin at the incision sites and around the hips and buttocks tighten up and reduce swelling more quickly. 

Ultimately, wearing your compression garments according to Dr. Schulman’s recommendations will quicken healing and ensure optimal results.

Do not smoke.

Just as you were directed not to smoke prior to surgery, you should also not smoke after surgery to ensure proper recovery. This includes avoiding using any and all tobacco products. You want the oxygen to flow freely through your blood vessels to help with healing, and smoking after surgery could limit such circulation.

Sit and sleep properly.

After your BBL, you’ll need to sit and sleep with attention to the new contours of your body — namely, your new buttocks and thighs. 

Specifically, when sitting, it’s important to avoid putting too much pressure on your bottom, so you’ll need to allow your upper thighs to take the majority of your body weight pressure. Special BBL pillows and BBL chairs for sitting can help with this

Likewise, when you sleep, it’s important not to sleep on your back or side to avoid putting pressure on the hips and buttocks. Instead, you should sleep on your stomach, or you can sleep at a 45° angle (toward your stomach) so that there is no pressure being put on your thighs or buttocks. You can lift one knee up to the side to make yourself more comfortable in bed.

Take it easy.

Most patients like this advice the most. Ensuring you get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and eat a well-balanced nutritious diet will be the best way to recover safely and in a timely manner. These are the general conditions necessary for a full recovery and optimal BBL results. 

It’s important to avoid any type of strenuous physical activity, including exercise, during your BBL recovery. You should not drive or lift heavy things for several weeks as well. Getting help around your house with basic activities is a good idea, especially for the first few days after surgery.

FAQ: Brazilian Butt Lifts

When can I sit after BBL surgery?

For several weeks after your Brazilian butt lift surgery, you will want to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks because doing so can limit the blood flow to the area and may ultimately affect your results. Getting a BBL pillow or a BBL chair for your recovery can help to offset the amount of pressure placed on your buttocks when sitting.

Ultimately, you’ll want to adjust your sitting position so that more of your weight is put on your thighs — or avoid sitting altogether when you can.

When does fluffing happen after BBL surgery?

When does fluffing happen after BBL

“Fluffing” refers to how the fat transfer in a BBL begins to truly take shape and maximize BBL results. Around 6 to 8 weeks post-Brazilian butt lift is really when the fat starts to get full and soft. This period takes place after most of the swelling has gone down.

Will my BBL get bigger over time?

It will take some time to see the overall results from your BBL surgery. Right away after the procedure, you’re going to see a lot of swelling, and this will go down gradually with time. As the swelling goes down, the transferred fat will begin to get fuller and softer. Ultimately, the final shape and contours you achieve through BBL surgery may take several months to appear.

Will my BBL get bigger after fluffing?

Absolutely! After the fat grafting procedure, although a portion of the grafted fat may be naturally absorbed by the body, your skin will still stretch to accommodate the remaining fat. This will lead to the desired fluffy appearance that you seek. So, can you expect your Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) to become larger during the fluffing process? 

Schedule Your NYC BBL Consultation With Dr. Schulman

Are you ready to improve your overall physique and achieve exactly the silhouette you’ve always dreamed of having? A Brazilian butt lift, or BBL, may be ideal for you.

Call today to learn about before and after BBL with Dr. Schulman in NYC!




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