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Tummy Tuck NYC | Abdominoplasty

Ever caught yourself eyeing a stubborn bulge in the mirror? Despite your best efforts with diet and exercise, that sleek, toned look may remain elusive.
Enter the tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty – your ticket to a smoother, more confident silhouette. Say hello to a flatter, firmer tummy and embrace a newfound comfort in your own skin!

Where diet and exercise fail, Dr. Schulman, an NYC board-certified plastic surgeon, can help you address excess skin and make your abdominal muscles more prominent.

Considering a tummy tuck in NYC? Book YOUR consultation today!

What is an Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is the procedural name of tummy tuck surgery. It is meant to remove excess fat and skin from the belly area when diet and exercise fail. In most instances, a tummy tuck will restore weakened or separated abdominal wall muscles to create a smoother and firmer abdomen that you can feel confident with.

It’s essential to understand that even individuals with otherwise normal body weight and proportions can experience abdomen protrusion or remaining skin that buries their abdominal wall muscles. This commonly occurs in many individuals due to:

  • The aging process
  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy (especially multiple pregnancies)
  • Prior surgeries near the abdominal muscles
  • Significant weight gain or weight loss

It’s also essential to understand that it will not address weight gain. Tummy tuck surgery is also not meant to replace a healthy diet or exercise routine.

Tummy Tuck Before and After Images

Who Is a Candidate For Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Wondering if you’re a good candidate for an abdominoplasty procedure?

The ideal candidate for tummy tuck surgery is a bit more than just an individual who wants to restore the appearance of their separated abdominal muscles after massive weight loss or pregnancy.

Good candidates for abdominoplasty surgery are healthy adults within a healthy weight range for their height and age who have realistic expectations for the removal of excess skin and fat. Additionally, candidates for tummy tucks should be willing to follow pre- and post-operative care instructions for the best results. They should also be non-smokers who are committed to maintaining a healthy weight for the rest of their lives.

We encourage all individuals in New York City experiencing excess skin, loose skin, and sagging skin despite diet and exercise to schedule a consultation with Dr. Schulman to determine their candidacy for abdominoplasty surgery.

Types of Tummy Tuck Procedures

The abdominoplasty procedure addresses multiple concerns regarding the excess skin, abdominal muscle separation and fat in the abdominal area, resulting in multiple variations of the traditional tummy tuck surgery.


Mini tummy tuck surgery involves removing excess skin in the lower abdomen without making incisions around the belly button or tightening the abdominal muscles above the belly button.


A non-surgical tummy tuck uses ultrasonic sound energy to break down fat cells in the abdominal area. It is non-invasive and produces immediate results.


A full tummy tuck involves a horizontal incision between the pubic area and the belly button to address excess skin and fat.

Plus size 

A plus size tummy tuck procedure trims the excess fat and skin from the abdomen to create a more contoured look in the midsection.


Also known as reverse abdominoplasty, the reverse tummy tucks surgery focuses on the upper abdomen to remove excess skin above the belly button.


The drainless tummy tuck surgery combines the traditional tummy suck surgical procedure, liposuction, and progressive tension sutures to eliminate the need for post-surgical drains.


An extended tummy tuck is a more extensive procedure that reaches beyond the midsection to the hips and lower back.


The Fleur-De-Lis tummy tuck is a specialized procedure used on post-bariatric patients to address the abdominal effects of significant weight loss.

Matthew Schulman, M.D.

Meet Dr. Schulman – Tummy Tuck Surgeon 

“The ‘old’ way of doing a surgery was simply to make an incision, pull the skin as tight as you can, then remove the excess. The results were usually super tight bellies without any contours. The bellies looked ‘surgical’ and everybody can easily see that you had surgery. A natural tummy has contours, with high points and low points.

When doing a them today, I work very hard to give a result that looks beautiful, but not ‘surgical’. I combine careful liposuction, as well as internal suturing to create valleys in the right places. Another part of my modern technique is to reduce the risk of complications and reduce your recovery using modern techniques and non-narcotic pain medicines.

I accomplish this with a variety of surgical techniques and modern technologies. So, if you are looking for the same old tummy tuck your mother had, then I am not your guy. But, if you want a modern abdominoplasty , with improved cosmetic results, less pain, and faster recovery, then you are in the right place.”

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Tummy Tuck vs Liposuction

Both are meant to contour and tighten the abdominal area. Both types of surgical procedures can also help your underlying abdominal muscles.

However, abdominoplasty surgery is more effective at removing excess skin, while liposuction targets excess fat.

Since tummy tuck surgery is a surgical procedure designed to address sagging skin and remove excess skin, the procedure is also effective for removing low abdominal scars and stretch marks.

Tummy Tuck Video

What happens if I get pregnant after? – Ask Dr. Schulman

Tummy Tuck Recovery

The stages of the recovery period for tummy tuck surgery is between six and eight weeks. Patients must follow their aftercare instructions closely to ensure quick healing and optimal tummy tuck results.

The first week of recovery will be crucial, so you should plan to take a full week off from work and regular activities to rest and recover.

You’ll also be directed to wear a compression garment to help reduce swelling and promote circulation for healing.

Dr. Schulman will also likely prescribe pain medication to help relieve discomfort during your first week of recovery. However, the majority of the pain and discomfort will subside within this time.

Tummy Tuck Scars

Because  surgery requires incisions, you can expect minimal scarring. However, the extent of your scarring will depend on the type of  surgery you undergo and how well you care for them.

With proper care, you can expect tummy tuck scars to fade within a year or two.

Real Patient Testimonial

Real Patient Testimonial

I always had loose skin and after having two kids it only got worse. Dr. Schulman reshaped and sculpted me. I put my complete trust in him and he certainly proved himself. Everything is top notch, from Dr. Schulman’s amazing bedside manner, to the impeccable cleanliness of the office, to his entire kind staff and of course his magical wand of hands. I can’t say enough good things.

Tummy Tuck Cost NYC

The tummy tuck surgery cost between 16,000-20,000  “all-inclusive” and include all surgical, facility, anesthesia, and post-op care. Of course, the cost of having  surgery in New York City will vary greatly depending on the type of tummy tuck surgery.

Surgeon Experience

Naturally, you want the best tummy tuck surgeon in New York City to perform your surgery. But keep in mind that the more experienced and well-trained your surgeon is, the more they will charge for their services.

Geographical Location

The tummy tuck cost New York residents pay will automatically be higher because New York City has a higher cost of living.

Extent of Surgery

If additional procedures will be performed alongside, or if a more involved extended tummy tuck is necessary to meet your goals, this can increase the overall cost.

For female patients who are also looking to undergo more intense body contouring or enhance their breasts with breast augmentation or a breast lift, a mommy makeover is recommended.

Pre- and Postoperative Expenses

Some patients will require preoperative tests to clear them for surgery. Both the cost of these tests and the cost of postoperative garments, medications, and other supplies will also be charged to the patient.


How much does a mini tummy tuck cost?

In New York, a mini costs between varies. Contact Schulman Plastic Surgery today.

Can you have a tummy tuck after c section?

In general, plastic surgeons will advise you to wait six to twelve months for surgery after having a cesarean section performed.

What are the risks of a tummy tuck procedure?

All cosmetic surgery procedures come with inherent risks, including scarring, infection, blood clots, and anesthesia reactions.

However, the risk of cosmetic procedure complications is rare, and your surgeon will ensure you’re a good candidate for the surgery before moving forward.

Do you have hourglass tummy tuck before and after photos?

Yes, you can view my before and after photos. Or read about Tummy Tuck before and after here

Does a tummy tuck affect your belly button?

Are tummy tuck belly button issues real? No. The belly button is not affected during surgery.

Do you have mini tummy tuck before and after photos?

Yes, contact us to see photos. 

Can you get a tummy tuck and lipo together?

In short, yes—there is a liposuction tummy tuck surgery known as the reverse tummy tuck.

What is the average cost of a tummy tuck?

The cost of a tummy tuck surgery will vary significantly based on the type of surgery and additional factors, such as anesthesia, facility fees, and more.

Who offers the best tummy tuck near me?

Schulman Plastic Surgery offers the best tummy tuck surgery practices here in New York. Dr. Schulman is a tummhas undergone extensive training in plastic surgery procedures and has decades of experience. His patient testimonials and tummy tuck results speak for themselves!

Do you offer an overweight or plus-size tummy tuck?

Yes, we do!

What is the medical term for tummy tuck?

The medical term for tummy tuck surgery is abdominoplasty.

Tummy tuck consultation

Are you considering a tummy tuck in NYC to address excess fat and sagging skin? If so, Dr. Mathew Schulman is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in this procedure.

Schedule your tummy tuck New York City consultation today to learn if you’re a good candidate and start your journey to obtaining a flatter stomach.



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