Is umbilicoplasty covered by insurance?
For more severe hernias, surgical repair is necessary, often involving umbilicoplasty to correct the belly button. In such cases, it’s deemed medically necessary and typically covered by insurance.
Is umbilicoplasty painful?
Expect some discomfort around the belly button and wear a light dressing. You might also feel abdominal muscle tightness.
Is umbilicoplasty a major surgery?
Umbilicoplasty is a safe and relatively quick procedure, usually taking about an hour or more under local anesthesia for belly button surgery.
What is the umbilicoplasty technique?
In abdominal contouring procedures, umbilicoplasty includes repositioning and placing the navel after removing excess skin and subcutaneous tissue, with or without abdominal wall plication.
Can you get umbilicoplasty after pregnancy?
Umbilicoplasty alters the appearance of the belly button, aiding in its restoration post-pregnancy, weight loss, or hernia. Often combined with other surgeries, it can also be performed alone.