One of the first things to consider when planning for belly button surgery is what the expected umbilicoplasty cost will be.
Ultimately, this can be difficult to estimate without first consulting in person with a qualified surgeon. However, we will provide a brief rundown of common cost factors and financing options below.
First, let’s discuss what umbilicoplasty is and what type of patient fits this surgery best.
What Is Umbilicoplasty?
Umbilicoplasty is a commonly performed cosmetic surgery that changes the appearance of the belly button. Umbilicoplasty may be performed for a number of reasons.
For example, patients may choose this procedure because they have an umbilical hernia, an “outie” that they would like to turn into an “innie”, loose skin around their belly button (for example, after pregnancy or significant weight loss), or a belly button scar (often the result of hernia surgery, tummy tuck surgery, or another procedure).
Factors That Contribute to the Cost of Umbilicoplasty
The average cost of any cosmetic procedure will be influenced by a number of smaller, individual factors. For umbilicoplasty, these are as follows.
The main reason for surgery
If you only have a small change you want to make with your belly button, belly button surgery costs will naturally be lower. More significant changes (excess fat removal, lots of loose skin, serious complications, etc.) may necessitate a more complex surgery and higher prices as a result.
The type of anesthesia you use
As a general rule, general anesthesia costs more than local anesthesia. For an umbilicoplasty procedure, either can be used (though typically, local anesthesia is preferred). It simply depends on the reason for the surgery and what you and your surgeon are most comfortable with.
What your unique surgeon charges
All surgeons charge unique prices. This is usually calculated based on the surgeon’s experience, education and training, expertise, and area of specialty.
When a surgeon is in high demand for umbilicoplasty surgery, they’ll charge more for all related belly button surgeries including surgeries for umbilical hernias, scar revision procedures, and more.
Time of year and geographic location
Most people want to undergo plastic surgery in the winter. It’s easier to cover incision sites with bulky cold weather clothes, people have time off for the holidays, and the beaches aren’t beckoning.
But this also means that prices are higher for surgery in the winter. Choosing a summer surgery can actually result in a lower cost.
Similarly, if you want to get scar tissue removed, excess navel skin reduced, or other issues of the belly button fixed, you might want to choose a less populated area. Larger urban centers mean higher prices for plastic surgery.
FAQ: Umbilicoplasty Procedures
How much does umbilicoplasty cost with insurance?
This is difficult to say unless you can firmly claim the distinct reason you are seeking surgery. For example, patients with an umbilical hernia who want to correct their hernia and improve the appearance of their belly button at the same time may receive coverage in some cases. But it always depends on your health insurance provider and your plan.
Ultimately, health insurance is always a hot topic when it comes to plastic surgery. This is largely because some plastic surgeries are covered by insurance (breast reduction in certain cases, breast augmentation in certain cases, etc.). But most of the time, insurance will not cover plastic surgeries simply because they are not medically necessary and are only performed to improve a person’s aesthetic appearance.
Umbilicoplasty can go either way. For this reason, be sure to contact your provider directly to learn more about your unique coverage options.
Will I have a belly button scar after belly button surgery?
Umbilicoplasty is not a one-size-fits-all procedure. That is, every patient is different and arrives at the desire for belly button surgery for a different reason. When it comes to scarring, therefore, it’s hard to say what type of umbilicoplasty scar you may or may not have.
Some patients seek umbilicoplasty just to fix an already-present scar, for example. Hernia surgery, dramatic weight loss surgery, tummy tuck surgery, liposuction, and other medical procedures may require incisions in and around the belly button. These incisions may scar poorly, which can result in the need for revision belly button plastic surgery.
Of course, sometimes, an umbilical hernia repair surgery that is performed to correct both a hernia and poor belly button scar appearance may actually produce an additional scar as well. Plastic surgeons do their best to hide scars within the navel, but this isn’t always possible. So in the case, yes, a scar may result.
To see what your results may look like after umbilicoplasty, we recommend browsing some umbilicoplasty before and after photos from past patients.
How much does umbilicoplasty cost near me?
If you live in the New York area, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Schulman specializes in umbilicoplasty procedures. The cost of umbilicoplasty depends on your unique situation and goals, however, so we invite you to schedule a consultation for an accurate price estimate.
Contact Us Today to Set Up a Consultation
If you have loose excess skin around your belly button, an unattractive umbilical hernia, or an unsightly scar in or around your belly button, umbilicoplasty is the plastic surgery procedure you’re looking for. By correcting poorly healed scars, removing excess skin, or performing hernia surgery, Dr. Schulman can improve the appearance of your navel area and the abdomen overall.
To learn more about this and other plastic surgery procedures to improve your look, please contact our NYC practice today and set up an initial consultation appointment with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Schulman.
Dr. Schulman would be happy to discuss more about your belly button surgery cost, the surgical procedure itself, umbilicoplasty recovery, general vs local anesthesia, and more. Call today to book your appointment.