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Celebrities with Small Breast Implants are Getting More Popular

Celebrities with small breast implants

The world of fashion is ever-changing, and currently, the prevailing trend is for smaller sizes – not just in clothing but also in breast size. A number of high-profile celebrities have opted for smaller breast implants, such as Pamela Anderson, Victoria Beckham, Tamra Barney, and Heidi Montag.

However, they are not the only ones following this trend. If you have been exploring breast augmentation options, you may have come across before-and-after images of these and other famous women who have undergone breast surgery and chose for a smaller cup size.

For years, women undergoing breast augmentation surgeries have subscribed to the “go big or go home” and “bigger is better” mantras, but the celebrity trend of having bigger implants replaced by smaller breast implants—or having them removed completely—is starting to catch on with women across the country.

Every day, I am working with…

  • Women who need to have their saline vs silicone  breast implants updated and are opting for smaller replacements
  • Women who are getting implants for the first time who are choosing a more modest augmentation than they might have chosen in previous years
  • Women who previously had larger breast implants, but are now choosing to get them downsized as a matter of taste.

As a New York City Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, I talk to at least a dozen women each week who want a boob job. They bring in magazine clippings of Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry and Meghan Fox—women with the most popularly-requested celebrity bust lines in breast augmentation surgery.

During these initial visits, I’ve clearly noticed a decrease in the percentage of women requesting D and DD cups, but an increase in the percentage of women requesting beautiful, but more modest C and full B cups.

Factors behind the Smaller Breast Augmentation Trend

Natural looking breast implants celebrities

Of course, one of the important things I have to discuss with my patients is the fact that their breast augmentation really needs to “fit” them, whether it’s a considerable size increase, or just a modest one. And frankly, my patients are very savvy and already have a good idea of what type of augmentation will enhance their figure without looking awkward and unnatural.

In fact, looking natural is one of the biggest reasons behind the “smaller is better” trend in breast implant surgeries. These are some of the things women are considering as we discuss their own boob job possibilities:

  • Smaller breast implants appear more natural. The larger the breast implant, the more “artificial” it will look, particularly on a woman with a smaller frame. A smaller breast implant will have a more natural shape and texture while still being larger than the originals. Another thing that surprises many women who get larger implants is the stretch marks that might occur on the skin; the risk of needing to deal with stretch marks is dramatically reduced with smaller implants.
  • Enhancement without unwanted gawking

    Many women want breast augmentations to enhance their natural beauty without drawing excessive or unwanted attention to themselves. They don’t want to hear the loud whispers of boob job speculation, “Those can’t be real,” or worse behind their backs. A smaller implant helps you avoid these awkward moments.

  • Thinking about the future surgeries

    A smaller, more natural breast augmentation surgery is less likely to look “dated” years down the line when fashions change. One of the reasons I’m seeing an increase in breast enhancement procedures is that women are going back under the knife to have larger implants reduced to smaller ones.

    Of course, there is always the chance that a woman who got smaller implants may want larger ones down the line. But that is why I always spend a lot of time working with my patients before surgery to make sure we plan augmentation procedures that they will love for a long time to come.

  • Medical reasons for smaller breast implants

    Smaller implants mean smaller incisions, smaller scars and fewer back problems—yes, back problems. Many women who request larger breast implants have to adjust to the new chest weight, which can cause muscle strains in the neck, shoulders and back.

  • Smaller breast implants enable more versatile clothing options

    As I mentioned earlier, fashion is constantly changing; a smaller boob job surgery will keep you within the range of normal for looking great in most prêt-à-porter clothing options as styles change.

  • Smaller implants don’t interfere as much with athletic activities

    More and more women are concerned not just with staying in shape at a baseline level; many want to compete in serious athletic competitions of their choice.

    The smaller the silicone implants, the easier it will be to find proper support wear and to engage in rigorous activity with minimal discomfort. And as I mentioned earlier, smaller breasts look more natural on slim, fit bodies.

Mini breast augmentationIn the end, our ultimate goal with any boob job is to help you look your very best. Don’t get your heart set on a specific cup size just because it looks great on Pamela Anderson or Jennifer Aniston, or even just your best friend.

Your body is unique and we need to discuss options that will work best for your shape, your lifestyle and your desired appearance goals.

I suggest looking through our breast augmentation surgery FAQ and the other pages in our library to learn more about the surgery and what is involved.

You may also find out a lot by visiting my Instagram page (@nycplasticsurg) and my Snapchat plastic surgery channel (@nycplasticsurg) where you can see the surgeries, office visits, recoveries and results, almost as they happen, on a daily basis. 

Questions and Answers

What size is considered a small breast implants?

The size of a small breast implants can vary depending on individual preferences and body proportions. Generally, breast implants range in size from about 100cc to 800cc or more.

A small breast implants is typically considered to be one that is between 100cc and 300cc.

However, it’s important to note that the size of the breast implants should be chosen based on individual needs and goals, and should be discussed with a board-certified plastic surgeon during a consultation.

The plastic surgeon can help determine the appropriate size based on factors such as the patient’s body type, breast shape, and desired outcome.

Are small breast implants worth it?

The decision to undergo breast augmentation with small implants is a personal one that depends on individual goals, preferences, and body type. In general, small breast implants can be a good choice for women who want a subtle enhancement to their breast size and shape, or who want to restore breast volume lost after weight loss or pregnancy.

They can also be a good choice for women who have a small frame or who are concerned about looking natural and proportionate.

What size breast implants are most popular?

Taylor Swift breast implants

The most popular size for breast implants can vary depending on factors such as geographic location, cultural norms, and individual preferences.

However, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in the United States the most popular size for breast implants in 2021 was between 300-399cc. This is followed by implants between 350-449cc and 400-449cc.

Book Your Surgery

Of course, the best way to get started on your boob job journey is to schedule an appointment for a consultation online or just call us at 212-289- 1851 today.

We look forward to hearing from you about your breast enlargement.



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