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Where Are Breast Augmentation Incisions Located?

Where Are Breast Augmentation Incisions Located

Breast augmentation surgery in New York City can be a life-changing procedure for many women. However, one thing that stops some women from pursuing this avenue of physical improvement is the fact that scars are an inevitable result.

But how noticeable are breast augmentation scars really? Let’s take a look.

Breast Augmentation Before and After: How Noticeable Are the Incision Scars?

The truth is, different incisions for breast augmentation surgery will result in different scars. Furthermore, in many cases, you won’t notice your scars at all over time. With advancements in plastic surgery and the level of expertise achievable by modern plastic surgeons, it’s quite possible to have scars that almost completely disappear within a few years.

Of course, they will always be there. Despite wishing it were possible, there’s simply no way we can insert breast implants without making incisions. And incisions must result in scars.

Types of Breast Augmentation Incisions

How Long Do Breast Augmentation Incisions Take To HealThere are different incision placement options when it comes to breast augmentation. Of course, deciding between an inframammary incision or a periareolar incision isn’t simply a matter of the patient’s preference.

Naturally, your breast implant surgeon will have much to say on the matter. Together, you and your surgeon will discuss incision location and make the best decision for your anatomy, breast implant size and type, and desired outcome.

Here are the three most common incision placement options available to breast augmentation patients:

Inframammary Incision Placement

The inframammary incision is a popular choice for breast augmentation surgeries because it combines precision with discreet scarring. It is made within the natural crease beneath the breast, known as the inframammary fold. These incisions are typically small, resulting in minimal scarring that can be easily hidden by clothing and swimwear.

One of the advantages of the inframammary incision is that it provides direct access to the surgical site, allowing your surgeon to precisely position the breast implant and make necessary adjustments. Additionally, the scar tends to heal well and fade over time.

Patients who choose the inframammary incision should be aware that while the scar is generally inconspicuous, its appearance can vary depending on factors like skin type and healing tendencies. Proper scar care and following postoperative instructions are both essential for optimal healing and minimal scarring.

Periareolar Incision Placement

The periareolar incision is another discreet option for breast augmentation. This incision encircles the outer edge of each areola, cleverly concealing the scar within the natural change in pigmentation. It is a popular choice for patients who desire minimal scarring that blends seamlessly with the breast’s appearance.

One advantage of the periareolar incision is the ability to simultaneously perform procedures like areola reduction or nipple repositioning, if desired. However, it’s important to note that this incision technique may carry a slightly higher risk of changes in nipple sensation when compared to other options.

Transaxillary Incision Placement

Types Of Breast Augmentation IncisionsTransaxillary incisions are positioned in the armpit, offering the advantage of the least noticeable scars. This approach is particularly appealing for patients who prioritize discreet scarring and specifically want to avoid any lasting marks on the breasts.

However, the transaxillary incision does have some drawbacks. It may not be suitable for all types of breast implants, and it can be more challenging to achieve precise implant placement when compared to the inframammary or periareolar methods of implant placement. In addition, revisions or adjustments to the implants can be more complex with this incision type.

FAQ: Breast Implant Incisions

How long do incisions hurt after breast augmentation?

The duration of discomfort from incisions after a breast augmentation procedure varies among individuals. Typically, however, pain may last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Pain medications can be prescribed by your surgeon to lessen your discomfort.

How long do breast augmentation incisions take to heal?

Breast augmentation incisions usually take several weeks to several months to fully heal. Right away after surgery, you’ll notice redness and some swelling at the incision sites, but this will gradually fade. Be sure to follow your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions to optimize the healing process and minimize scarring.

Are saline vs silicone breast implants better for breast augmentation incision scarring?

In many cases, the choice between saline implants and silicone implants won’t significantly impact incision scarring for breast augmentation surgery. In the end, the size and location of the incision, as well as your body’s natural healing process, have a more significant influence on scarring.

Still, in some cases with saline implants, we can insert the saline shell first and then inject it with saline. This means we won’t require an incision that is quite as large for saline implants.

Call Today to Set Up Your Consultation Appointment

How Long Do Incisions Hurt After Breast AugmentationBreast implants can enhance your chest and give you a whole new figure. But it’s certainly important to understand your breast augmentation incision options and other key factors about this procedure before moving forward. This is also why, when choosing your plastic surgeon, it’s so important to do your research.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Schulman has performed countless breast augmentation procedures and has many happy patients. If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation, breast lift surgery, mommy makeovers, or any other breast enhancement procedure, contact Schulman Plastic Surgery today and schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Schulman.



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