Are you a guy who’s planning to get a Brazilian butt lift? You may be wondering what to expect — especially because most of the online information surrounding BBLs is targeted at women.
But rest assured: Many men get BBL surgery in NYC all the time. And it’s wise to learn now what you can expect from your male BBL before and after. With this in mind, here’s a brief guide to get you started.
What Is a BBL?
A Brazilian butt lift surgery (BBL) is a plastic surgery procedure that uses the patient’s own fat to reshape the hips and buttock region. Most of the time, the fat is harvested from the midsection. Both men and women tend to accumulate fat around the waistline, especially around the belly button, on the lower abdomen, and on the lower sides and back (flanks).
Excess fat here will be removed via liposuction. If the patient wants liposuction elsewhere (the inner thighs, upper arms, chin, etc.), this can usually be arranged as well. The unwanted fat is then carefully processed before being injected into the hips and buttocks to add volume, change shape, correct asymmetries, or enhance definition.
Are Male BBLs Different Than Female BBLs?
A butt lift for men? Of course — why not?
In some ways, yes, more women are interested in the Brazilian butt lift surgical procedure. Historically, it’s a hot surgery for women and not as much for men.
But this has been changing in recent years. Not only has the BBL procedure risen in popularity all around, but fat grafting technology has also improved. Moreover, men are becoming increasingly interested in achieving their desired shape through generally healthy diet, exercise, and the occasional body contouring procedures.
Basically, the two procedures (female and male Brazilian buttock lifts surgery) are the same in concept. First we extract fat: Fat cells from the patient’s own body are removed where they’re not wanted (usually from the abdomen). And then, we fat transfer to the buttocks and hips.
What’s different is that with a male BBL procedure, we’re not focusing on creating that classic hourglass figure. Men don’t typically want this.
Instead, men desire a straighter, more masculine figure with well-defined gluteal muscles and less stubborn fat hanging around the flanks and abs. This means that the liposuction portion of surgery may require more “etching” of the muscles. It also means that, typically, less fat is transferred with a male BBL.
BBL Before and After Male Edition
A BBL for men is major surgery. As such, it’s important that patient’s be well-prepared with the necessary prior knowledge and realistic expectations.
Your chosen plastic surgeon will go over much of what you need to know at your buttock enhancement consultation. But here’s a general overview to get the ball rolling.
What to Know Pre-BBL Surgery
Your consultation appointment is the kicking off point to your surgery. Every qualified surgeon requires this appointment before you can book your operation.
At your consultation, your surgeon will want to know about your goals for surgery, your medical history, what medications you take, and whether you lead a healthy lifestyle. Be sure to be open and honest, and feel free to ask questions. In rare cases, patients may need a bit more medical clearance (via testing and imaging) before they are ready for surgery.
Once you are considered a good candidate and are cleared for male Brazilian butt lift surgery, you’ll get some lifestyle guidelines to follow and some guidelines to help you prepare for the recovery period. Be sure to follow these closely.
What to Know About Male BBL Recovery
Ideally, you prepared well for the recovery process before surgery. Naturally, you need to do this because after a male BBL, you will not be in any condition to go grocery shopping, cook meals, move furniture around to make a comfortable healing space, or run to the drugstore for your medications.
In fact, you may need some help at home, and you’ll certainly need someone to take you home after your male BBL surgery. At home, you’ll need to wear your compression garment, take your medications as directed, care for your wounds as directed, and avoid sitting on your bottom.
Putting pressure on your buttocks and hips can make it impossible to attain optimal results. You need to keep pressure off of these areas so that the injected fat has a chance to survive. Most patients choose to use a donut-shaped pillow and spend time lying on their stomachs.
Moreover, remember that your liposuction areas may feel a bit sore after a men’s BBL. Those targeted areas will also have a lot of swelling and some bruising as well.
In your recovery literature, you’ll find information about when to contact your surgeon if you need help. Be sure to watch out for signs of infection, poor healing, allergic reactions, or other problems.
BBL before and after male
FAQ: BBL Male Before and After Surgery
Are results from a male BBL permanent?
Essentially, yes. The patient’s own fat is used to add volume to the buttocks and hips, and that newly transferred fat should act just as the “native fat” does (as long as it survives the transfer).
This means that while the transferred fat should linger for many years and provide excellent results long-term, it may also break down, shift, or change over time as you age. Unfortunately, there’s no stopping the aging process.
How much does a male BBL cost?
Male BBL procedures are typically comparable in price to female BBL procedures. With that said, because male BBLs typically require a smaller fat transfer (less liposuction and harvested fat put into fewer places), it’s possible that a BBL procedure may be slightly less expensive for some male patients.
Get in Touch to Schedule a Consultation
Remove excess fat where you don’t want it and enhance your buttocks contour with BBL surgery for men. You can look forward to more definition, more physical appeal, and more confidence with this procedure.
Book a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon in NYC Dr. Matthew Schulman to learn more about male BBLs and ask the questions you really want to know about prior to surgery. Dr. Schulman and his team are happy to help guide you and answer any questions or concerns you have.